Your roadmap for change in your community, county, and state.
SHARE AND LEARN The Steering Committee for the Plan is hosting office hours via Zoom to allow groups working through the Reflection to Action steps or thinking about getting started to ask questions and share challenges and progress. There are separate meetings for state coalitions and groups organized at community and county levels. Please click on the links below prior to the scheduled times to register for the meetings.
Community/County Office Hours: Wed, Feb 19, 1 pm EST State Office Hours: Wed, Jan 15, 1 pm EST |
DONATIONS Support at multiple levels, including financial, is key to implementing the Plan vision of a safe, water competent nation. Contributions of any amount are appreciated. Please click the donate button to use a credit card or PayPal account.
Those wishing to donate by check or wire, please contact us at [email protected] for details. |
media toolkits - New version added 9/15/23
A social media toolkit highlighting each of the six key focus areas of the Plan was added 9/15/2023: A four-part media toolkit was provided in advance of the release to help organizations inform their member:
reflection to action (UpDATED Aug 3)
The Plan document outlines a flexible, 12-step process to assist advocates in planning action programs. Steps include first surveying local needs, identifying those Plan recommendations that address the needs, and then finding partners and resources to implement those recommendations. Additional guidance on the six steps in the Reflection Phase is provided in the following documents:
- From Reflection to Action - Phase 1 (PDF file)
- Reflection Phase Tools (Word file)
- Refection to Action Workbook (Excel file)
implementation guide (Pending)
The Plan document provides a list of 99 action recommendations developed by six working groups for consideration at community, county, state, and national levels. Each recommendation is based on additional information complied and discussed by the working groups, including the rationale, evidence base, implications, barriers and facilitators of implementation, potential key performance indicators, and other relevant information. By late 2023, that information will be made available in a searchable online database on the USNWSAP website.
research agenda (pending)
The working groups for the six focus areas who formulated the action recommendations also identified important topics with evidence gaps which need additional data and review. Those will be complied into a research agenda that will be posted when it becomes available.
case studies
The Plan document contains brief examples of the how various groups have made impacts as suggested in the Plan's call to action. Click on the titles in the bulleted list for more information. Additional examples will be added as the Plan progresses.
- Family Foundations - Creating local, national, and international partnerships.
- City of Chicago - Addressing a lack of data.
- Maricopa County, Arizona - Starting locally, expanding to a state-wide coalition.
- Washington State - Creating a board-based private and public sector coalition.
plan development archive
The Plan document provides an overview of the process used to construct the Plan. For additional detail, Click HERE for the archived development webpage.
governing principles
The Steering Committee that guided Plan development will transition to a new group operating under a set of Guiding Principles. The linked file provides a detailed overview but is a draft version subject to revision. The timing and process for selecting new committee members will be communicated in upcoming newsletters. Organizations and individuals who are interested in becoming committee members should sign up for the newsletters below.